
This page contains links to the searchable data bases that have been referred to most commonly in the creation of this website and which might assist others who are also interested in historical or genealogical research.

Historical Records of the Town of Southampton, NY
(This site also includes historic maps and burying grounds)

Suffolk County, NY Historic Newspapers
(As they were "local" publications The Corrector, Express, Traveler/Watchman and County Review are all worthy of advanced searches)

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Newspaper
(The BDE published many news items re: Flanders as many Brooklynites summered here)

Flanders Cemetery
(A listing of individual graves that includes gravestone photos)

Long Island Genealogy
(The surname database includes genealogies of many Flanders families)
Big Duck Ranch
  James Benjamin Homestead Nomination Forms

Download "BigDuckRanch_NominationFormMay_2008_copy.pdf"

The Reverend Nathaniel Fanning Homestead

Download "1372_Flanders_Rd_FL_History_copy.pdf"